Dr. Grewal is a cardiologist and graduate of Northeast 俄亥俄州 Medical University. 他在MetroHealth医疗中心完成了住院医师,并在阿勒格尼综合医院和克利夫兰大学医院完成了奖学金. Dr. 格里瓦尔一直在俄亥俄州心脏健康中心工作 & 自1997年起担任血管内科医生,目前是俄亥俄州健康中心心脏成像系统主任. His clinical interests include heart disease prevention and heart valve disease, but he enjoys providing consultations on all aspects of cardiology. Dr. Grewal is an avid runner and has completed the Columbus Marathon four times. 他还喜欢骑自行车和打高尔夫球. Dr. Grewal resides with his family in New Albany, 俄亥俄州.
Dr. 粘土 is an Emergency Medicine Physician at Mid俄亥俄州 Emergency 服务
and Medical Director at 俄亥俄州 Health/Pickerington Emergency Care Center.
He’s a graduate of University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago. He
completed his residency at Boston University Medical Center Hospital. Dr. 粘土
is also a graduate of the Physicians Leadership Academy
Dr. Mostafavifar毕业于西弗吉尼亚大学医学院,在杰克逊纪念医院完成了住院医生实习期,并在俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心获得了奖学金. 他目前是俄勒冈州立大学的住院医师和临床内科副教授. He enjoys golf, cycling, soccer, and going to Columbus Crew games with his family.
Dr. Brown is a native of North Carolina who graduated from North Carolina A&T州立大学. 他进入北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校医学院,并获得双学位, 公共卫生(卫生保健和预防方向)硕士学位和医学博士学位. 他曾在俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心接受内科培训,然后完成了肾脏病专科培训. 他曾担任The 俄亥俄州 State University Wexner Medical Center的医学助理教授,在那里他也是内科住院医师计划的助理医学主任. 从那时起,他在各种环境中工作,从哥伦布的大型医院到俄亥俄州中部农村地区的小型关键医院,担任医院医生和肾病专家. Dr. Brown is board certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. 他一直活跃于社区,参加健康讲座和健康博览会.
Dr. 库克是阿维娜妇女护理中心的妇产科医生. She is a graduate of The 俄亥俄州 State University College of Medicine. She completed her residency at Riverside Methodist Hospital.他一生都住在哥伦布. Cook自1997年以来一直是一名专业的妇产科医生. 毕业于迈阿密大学. 库克在进入俄亥俄州立大学医学院之前学习了动物学. 医学院期间, 她以优异的成绩毕业,是Alpha Omega Alpha荣誉医学协会的入选者. Her residency was then fulfilled at 俄亥俄州Health Riverside Methodist Hospital. 高危产科, 肌瘤, 生物同质激素替代疗法, and menopausal health are just a few of her special interests. 如今,她是三个孩子的母亲. 库克住在鲍威尔.
为什么CMA? What made you decide to take a leadership position?
实习结束后我加入了一家诊所, 我的两个伙伴对我说, “你需要加入CMA”. I did and for a number of years it wasn’t apparent to me as to why I was a member. 然后我被邀请成为专业关系委员会的成员,并成为该委员会的成员, 我明白了我成为CMA会员的原因. 这是一个支持我们社区医生的组织,以造福我们社区的健康. As time progressed my appreciation of what the CMA provided grew. When I was asked to serve, I was pleased to be able to support our organization.What are your clinical or professional interests?
从从医退休后, 我的兴趣一直是支持医生努力实践他们的艺术. I have continued to be the practice manager of our OB/GYN practice, 并担任医师领导学院的教员和董事会主席. 我对帮助医生理解他们与金钱的关系特别感兴趣,因为我看到这种相互作用对医学实践有很大的影响.What’s the best thing about being a doctor in central 俄亥俄州?
I was born and raised in Columbus, so this is home. Practicing in a community that is my home has been the best thing. 哦,是的,还有CMA.What’s the “can’t-miss spot” for out-of-town guests visiting Columbus?
I would vote for our Columbus Zoo as being that place. 它已经成长为与其他地方的动物园并驾齐驱.
为什么CMA? What made you decide to take a leadership position?
I was initially drawn to the CMA for its commitments to health equity, 社区参与, 和多样性/包容. 在这个领导职位上, 我希望以改善患者的医疗保健为目标开展合作工作, 社区, 彼此之间.
What are your clinical or professional interests?
医学教育, 宣传, 社区参与, 人口健康, 生殖正义, and addressing systems that perpetuate oppression/disparities in healthcare.
What’s the best thing about being a doctor in central 俄亥俄州?
What’s the “can’t-miss spot” for out-of-town guests visiting Columbus?
我们所有很棒的咖啡店! It's a great way to explore the different neighborhoods of Columbus. My favorites are Roosevelt Coffeehouse and Parable Coffee.
Dr. Detty graduated from family medicine residency at 俄亥俄州Health Grant Medical Center, medical school at The 俄亥俄州 State College of Medicine, 和耶鲁大学的本科学院. His medical interests include Integrated Behavioral Health Care, 护理服务转型, 和卫生政策. Dr. 迪蒂将加入俄亥俄健康格兰特家庭医学学院,专注于门诊初级保健, 住院医疗, 以及基于价值的支付和人口健康.
为什么CMA? What made you decide to take a leadership position?
The CMA became part of my life organically after moving to Columbus in 2014. 在医学院之前, 我在Physicians CareConnection做志愿者,志愿者医生之间的合作给我留下了深刻的印象, 工作人员, 和哥伦布公共卫生. 医学院期间, 我作为OSUCOM美国医学协会分会的代表出席了公共政策委员会和理事会的会议, 我遇到了一群参与其中的人, 充满激情的医生想要改善他们的病人和同事的生活. I got the chance to represent resident physicians in Central 俄亥俄州 on the Board, and I look forward to my role on the Board evolving as I enter practice.
What are your clinical or professional interests?
Acute care surgery, hernia surgery, lymphedema surgery, surgical critical care
What’s the “can’t-miss spot” for out-of-town guests visiting Columbus?
为什么CMA? What made you decide to take a leadership position?
2020年9月,在过渡时期,我加入了医师领导学院. The PLA connected me with a wonderful group of physicians, 对我自己也一样, 以一种我们很少有时间的方式, 在我们日常生活的喧嚣中. I will be forever grateful for my experience with the PLA.
大流行期间, I also met with the CMA Women in Medicine group for a wine tasting, 巧克力样品, 还有一本书的讨论, 全部由ZOOM提供. 我非常享受与其他女医生的“友谊”,并认识到在医学院和住院医生实习期间,年轻女性获得指导的重要性.
我对政协的工作更加熟悉了, COTS, 和CMAF, and more impressed by the CMA’s impact on the community. When I learned there was a position available on the CMA Board, 我决定“走出自己的舒适区”。, 并表达了我的服务兴趣. 我期待有机会为这个重要的社区组织做出贡献.
What are your clinical or professional interests?
I am an old-fashioned primary care physician at heart. I remain board certified in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. 我喜欢为服务不足的人群工作. I've worked in a FQHC setting with persons from all over the world, and more recently cared for homebound geriatric patients for a number of years. 目前, I provide medical oversight for 3 five-bed intermediate care facilities, providing intensive behavioral therapies to children with Intellectual Delays & Severe Behavioral Issues, making it hard for them to stay at home safely. I am also working part-time in a local Clinical Research facility, 这是一个全新的学习冒险!
My husband and I have been traveling to “see history”, 在葛底斯堡度假, 萨凡纳, 威廉斯堡, 和华盛顿特区(包括一日游). 弗农)在过去一年左右的时间里. We live with my 36-year-old, Guatemalan Blue-crowned Amazon parrot, Carmen. (卡门从1987年起就是我的室友).
I have spent many a December traveling to various Bowl Games, 而且还, believe that March Madness is one of the most exciting times of the year!
What’s the best thing about being a doctor in central 俄亥俄州?
Many different types of people live in and around Central 俄亥俄州, 让你有机会多年来从你的病人身上学到很多东西(包括医学和文化). 作为一名社区医生, 你总能得到来自三大医院系统的优秀专家和分科专家的支持. 在这里实习的另一个巨大好处是拥有一家优秀的儿童医院, 无论你是家长还是PCP.
What’s the “can’t-miss spot” for out-of-town guests visiting Columbus?
花点时间在哥伦布动物园! 去看北极熊展览吧, 观看大猩猩家庭, and visit Frankie our adorable 1-year-old Asian elephant. (一个新的猩猩展览即将举行).
如果你喜欢NHL冰球, 全国竞技场主办哥伦布蓝夹克与一个有趣的家庭友好的气氛.
如果你喜欢安静点的时间, take a walk through the grounds of the beautiful Franklin Park Conservatory.
他是密歇根州萨吉诺的本地人. 伯纳黛特在密歇根大学安娜堡分校获得心理学学士学位. She completed a master's degree in public health at the University of California, Berkeley and a doctorate of medicine from the Medical College of 俄亥俄州. 她在哥伦布的卡梅尔山家庭医学住院医师项目继续她的临床研究, 俄亥俄州. 今天博士. 伯纳黛特是一名家庭医生,也是哥伦布的信仰家庭健康公司的共同所有人.
为什么CMA? What made you decide to take a leadership position?
I have been involved with the CMA – Alliance for many years. 我很高兴能在董事会任职,让大家认识到牢记医生的家庭一面的重要性
What are your clinical or professional interests?
罗恩和我有5个孩子,他们正在高中、大学和成年. Outside of being on the Board I work for the International Dyslexia Association.
Ron and I have participated in the Peloton for many years now. 我也喜欢园艺和长时间散步.
What’s the “can’t-miss spot” for out-of-town guests visiting Columbus?
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